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Simulation of plane crash at Billings airport


Every day many people from Montana use an aircraft to commute long distances. Aircraft journeys are considered safe, but, with the rise in incidents related to aircrafts the people should be aware of their rights.

A few years back, an aircraft was used rarely by commuters, but with change in technology and times, many people now rely on an airplane for faster and safer journeys. While road accidents happen frequently, a plane crash is rarely heard of. However, a single plane crash can affect the lives of many passengers and their families. Also, many people who witness such accident may not know how to respond to the situation. Recently, the International Airport at Billings conducted an exercise to prepare for aviation accidents.

Many people, of different ages, participated as victims in the exercise. Almost 70 high school students were prepared for the exercise and were given red, yellow or green card describing their injuries. They were also told how to act. While some students had to act crazy, some others had to freak out. While such exercises may prepare people to deal with an aircraft accident, many people may hope no such accident ever occurs.

Aviation accidents may cause severe injuries to a person and also damage the property. Sometimes, it may also cause death of the people traveling in the aircraft. There can be various reasons that cause a plane crash -- it may happen due to defective parts or failure to follow FAA standards and regulations, for example.

Any person injured in a plane crash or a family that lost a loved one in such accident has a right to claim damages from the liable parties. The victim may undertake research and investigate to find the cause of the airplane or helicopter crash. Investigation of airplane parts and engine, including collection of black box data may be crucial to determine if the aircraft was at fault in the accident.
