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We are here to help after an aviation accident


The attorneys of Edwards & Culver offer a diverse legal practice that focuses on the representation of individuals who have been harmed in personal injury accidents. Serving clients in the greater Billings area, the lawyers of the firm are prepared to work with individuals who have been hurt in local car, truck, and motor vehicle accidents, as well as those who have suffered injuries and losses in less common incidents involving aircrafts.

Just recently this legal blog discussed some of the challenges that the victims of aviation accidents can face when they begin the process of pursuing their damages. Getting to the bottom of why a plane or aircraft crash occurred and then knowing how to frame a pleading that includes all of the parties that may have had a hand in the tragedy can be very difficult. Not all attorneys who work in the personal injury field include aviation accident litigation in their practices, and due to the many challenges that can arise from this unique form of personal injury law victims can be well-served to seek the counsel of lawyers who embrace the challenges of aviation accident law.

The clients of Edwards & Culver are treated with respect and consideration as individuals. As no two personal injury cases will present the same set of facts and circumstances, the attorneys of the firm take their time to understand not only what happened to their clients but also what their clients lost as a result of their involvement in their injury-causing tragedies.

In the wake of an aviation accident a victim may, at best, face significant medical expenses and other accident-related damages. At worst, they may have to cope with financial losses as well as the overwhelming loss of a loved one. Lawyers at our law firm can help them recover what they deserve.
