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Representing aviation accident victims in Montana


Planes are often touted as one of the safest modes of transportation, but an aviation accident can lead to serious injuries or death for victims. There are various factors that can often contribute to an aviation accident, such as weather conditions, as well as the condition of plane itself. Properly maintaining the plane should be a priority, much like any automobile or other machine.

If the plane is not well-maintained it can be inherently dangerous not only to the passengers themselves, but those on the ground as well. Edwards & Culver, Montana Trial Attorneys have often represented such clients who have suffered injuries in aviation accidents due to the fault or negligence of the pilot.

Pilots are mostly commercial pilots who have undergone lengthy and rigorous training in order to get their pilots license. In some cases, however, a pilot may have the desire to fly a personally owned plane. It must be noted that a pilot license can only be obtained after completion of the requisite training. Such training is required by state authorities to prevent cases of aviation accidents. Trying to fly a plane without obtaining the proper license can make the pilot liable to serious penalties under state laws.

A majority of aviation accident are caused due to the pilot's fault or ill-maintenance of the plane. Aviation accident victims may be able to initiate a lawsuit to recover compensation. Evidence is needed in order to prove that the vehicle itself was not properly maintained and that the negligence led to the aviation accident.
