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Helping injured Montanans navigate products liability claims


Every day, consumers in Montana and elsewhere rely on products, goods, machines, and equipment to get through their days. While these products are useful and resourceful, if a product is not properly designed, manufactured or functioning, this could pose some hazards to a consumer. A defective product is often a dangerous product, which places a consumer in harms way. Such a situation could result in a serious injury or even a fatality.

At Edwards & Culver, Montana Trial Attorneys, we protect the interests of consumers who have been injured by a negligent manufacturer, designer or retailer. With over 30 years of experience, our attorneys have helped injured consumers understand their rights and recourses, following an injury caused by a design defect, manufacturing error or negligence in the production or sale of the product.

Because most products pass through the hands of several different parties, it is important to understand who played a role in causing a defect. Our legal team has the skills and knowledge necessary to conduct an investigation and determine the cause and liability in the matter. Our experts are able to review and critique the design of a product or the manufacturing process of the product, which can help assess who the responsible parties are for the defective product.

To learn more, check out our products liability website. A defective product could cause a consumer to suffer serious injuries, losses and damages. Therefore, it is important to take timely action to determine the cause of the defect and hold a liable party responsible for the financial hardships caused by the matter.
