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We are here for you after an aviation accident


Car accidents happen every day. Collisions between trucks, motorcycles, bicycles, and pedestrians are also incredibly common. However, a few Montana residents will suffer the tragedy of experiencing an aviation accident. Whether she is a direct victim or the close family member of individuals who die in plane crashes, they suffer the unique experience of loss through a very unusual occurrence.

In the aftermath of an aviation accident, a victim may not know where to turn with his unique situation. He may know that he needs help pursuing his accident-related damages, but he may struggle to find the right representative to advocate for his needs. With the law firm of Edwards & Culver, he will find compassionate, knowledgeable legal support that provides exceptional representation for victims of air-based accidents.

Airplane accidents and crashes can result from many different causes, and victims can benefit from working with attorneys who understand the highly technical issues that can arise when airplanes suffer problems. From pilot error and negligence to poor maintenance and equipment, our team can explain the varied issues that may relate to a person's aviation accident case.

The law firm of Edwards & Culver is conveniently located in Billings, Montana, and is available to meet with new clients who have had to cope with the trauma of an airplane accident or crash. Interested readers are encouraged to protect their legal rights through the timely review of their cases in order to prevent missing their chances to file personal injury lawsuits. To learn more about the law firm of Edwards & Culver, please visit its website on aviation accidents.
