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Tire blowouts are an unfortunate cause of car accidents


According to a study performed by the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration more than 400 people are killed every year when their vehicles suffer tire-related problems. Additionally, more than 10,000 people suffer injuries when they experience tire blowouts, unnoticed flat tires and other tire-defects. More than 70,000 car accidents occur annually as a result of these deficiencies.

The mentioned statistics highlight a very real problem for Montana drivers as well as motorists throughout the entire country. When a vehicle's tires are not properly maintained or suffer from defects in the manufacturing or installation processes, then they can pose very real dangers to drivers and other individuals who use the roadways.

Tire problems can be exacerbated by unfavorable weather and road conditions. Gravel, wet or icy pavement, and snow all can cause bad tires to be even more unsafe than they would be on dry streets and highways. Drivers also tend to overcorrect when their vehicles suffer tire blowouts and other problems, and these overcorrections can lead the drivers to create unsafe conditions that may result in crashes and collisions.

Not every person who is harmed from a tire blowout or other tire defect is a driver or passenger in the affected vehicle. Because blown out and damaged tires can cause vehicles to become hard to control, those vehicles can hit and cause accidents with vehicles that are otherwise being operated safely. Unsuspecting motorists and passengers can suffer serious injuries when negligence in the care or creation of tires leads to tire-related accidents.

A person who is injured in a tire blowout accident may have rights to seek compensation for his losses. Attorneys who work in the personal injury field of law are well suited to advise such victims of their legal rights and the options they may have for pursuing litigation against the parties who caused their harm. They can also provide their clients with case-specific guidance; although this post offers readers some useful information on this topic, it should not be interpreted as legal advice.
