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Regulatory enforcement helps reduce Montana truck accidents


The Motor Carrier Services Division of the Montana Department of Transportation is charged with regulating the commercial motor carrier industry and enforcing all applicable federal and state laws regarding commercial motor carriers. One of the primary goals of the MCS is to ensure safety on public roads by reducing the risk of commercial truck accidents.

The MCS has its headquarters in Helena. Its aims include ensuring compliance with size, weight, vehicle safety and driver safety rules by commercial vehicle operators. It also handles the issues of commercial vehicle registration, licensing, permit and fuel compliance.

The MCS is divided into three bureaus. The Licensing and Permitting Bureau deals with the requirements for registering commercial vehicles so that they can operate in the state of Montana.

The Operations Bureau's responsibility is for the Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program, or MCSAP, which aims at reducing truck accidents, fatalities and injuries using various safety programs. It also advises Montana's motor carriers on complying with Montana and Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations and Hazardous Materials Regulations.

The Enforcement Bureau protects the safety of drivers who are traveling on Montana highways. The Enforcement Bureau has a team of 91 Montana peace officers who ensure compliance with various federal and state laws by commercial vehicles.

When a commercial semi truck is involved in an accident with a smaller vehicle the occupants of the smaller vehicle often suffer serious injury or death. A knowledgeable Montana personal injury attorney will investigate whether failure to comply with state or federal trucking regulations played a role in the crash.
