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Baby teething products given FDA warning


Over the last six years, ten children have died and hundreds more have suffered ill effects after using a homeopathic treatment to soothe their teething pains. As a result of these terrible issues, parents in Montana and throughout the rest of the nation have been warned by the federal Food and Drug Administration to stop using the products.

The products, which include gels and tablets produced by Hyland's, have been removed from the shelves of many major retailers. Hyland's will continue to sell the products outside of the United States but has voluntarily stopped offering the products to American stores. An investigation by the FDA into the safety of the products is ongoing, and at this time, the FDA has only issued a warning and not recalled any of the Hyland's products subject to the review.

Some children who used the products suffered significant health problems, including but not limited to vomiting, fevers, shaking and sleepiness. A direct link between the Hyland's products and the children's conditions has not been determined, but parents who fear that their children may be experiencing effects from the products are encouraged to seek medical assistance.

The FDA and other governmental bodies are tasked with investigating potentially dangerous products, as these Hyland's teething tablets and gels may later be determined to be. Dangerous consumer goods put innocent and unsuspecting victims' lives at risk each day, and when they cause people harm, the damage may be irreparable. Certain legal claims that fall under personal injury, such as products liability claims, may offer some victims the opportunity to seek damages for their losses and become financially whole in the wake of their product-related injuries.
